How do I upload a longer survey into Qualtrics? | XM Community
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Hi all,
So, I'm struggling in uploading my survey questions for my dissertation into Qualtrics. I started off with the free version and eventually received a system message saying there is a restriction in number of survey questions for my particular plan. I ended up purchasing a paid version and was also told there were restrictions on that plan as well. It was suggested (via the system message) that I should reach out to my brand administrator and consider purchasing an enterprise package. For me, I just know that this will be costly and wonder whether or not there is a different way to address this concern?

In other words: How can I upload all my survey questions without paying more money? I'm a student here!

funkyfresh - How many questions are we talking about here?
Not sure about this restriction, however, have you tried combining several multiple-choice questions into a matrix question to cut down on the number of questions?

Mishraji 104 questions and it's my dissertation-- so I can't modify the study either..
As you recommended, I tired that option but I keep on receiving a system message that says... I need to reach out to my brand administrator..

funkyfresh - This seems unusual. Since it seems to be more of a licensing limitation, try reaching out to Qualtrics Support. They might be able to help here.

Hi funkyfresh, I would recommend reaching out to the Qualtrics support team or to contact your brand administrator. Being a student at a university, you may also have access to Qualtrics through a university license.
104 questions shouldn't be an issue for Qualtrics.

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