How do you calculate the customer effort score? | XM Community
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How do you calculate the customer effort score?

  • 22 July 2024
  • 4 replies


Hi, I would like to know how you have calculated the CES. I find information such as: "it is the total number of customers who agree that their interaction was easy divided by the total number of responses. For example, if 65 out of 100 customers rate you with a 5, 6, or 7 on a 7-point scale, your Customer Effort Score (CES) would be 65." 


Hi @IRENDONJLL0. Did you already check this article about the CES by Qualtrics?

I would actually recommend using a top 2 box approach. If they don’t select the top 2 scale options, they don’t think your org is very easy to do business with. I consider the next option is just a polite way of saying it’s not good enough.

Best way to use Top 2 box percentage. But some analysist use top 3 box percentage for representation. It all depends on your/client requirement. You can simply change you rating question as Number set and can add bar chart widget and can use top box/bottom box metrics to represent the average of top 2 or top 3 boxes using scale adjustment as per your requirement.. 

Thanks @InessaG and @ArunDubey for sharing your experience and recommendations to this thread!

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