How do you link a second survey to the first survey? | XM Community
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I am a complete newbie at qualtrics and I am trying to set up my first survey (which is anonymous) to have a link to a second survey where participants can provide their email address if they would like to be contacted to take part in an interview. Can anyone please share how I do this? Any help would be really really appreciated!!

Hey fellow kiwi
Easy as. And, most importantly, you don't need to make a second survey.

  1. All you need to do is make a question at the end of your current survey - "Do you mind doing an interview with us - if so, we'll grab your email shortly" or something of the kind. The answer choices should be "Yes - I can do an interview/ No - get away from me I'm never doing an interview". Or more formal if you want.

  2. Following that question, make a Text Entry question "Whats your email?". Click on that question. On your left, find Question Behavoiur, then Display Logic. You will see the following: "Display this Question only if the following condition is met:".

  3. Go to Select Question, click the question "Do you mind doing an interview with us - if so, we'll grab your email shortly". Under Select Choice, go "Yes - I can do an interview".

  4. So basically, all its doing is only displaying the email field to those who've said they are keen on a survey. Everyone else (those who said no, of those who don't bother responding) don't get to fill out the email field.

  5. Tu meke

Kia ora Kiwi!!
Thanks for the help!
Nga mihi nui

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