How do you route in Survey Flow based on embedded data? | XM Community
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Can someone advise please? I would like to route my survey at a particular section based on embedded data... "Type" equals "UG" and for the survey to show question blocks. I would like it to ignore those what equal "PGT" and "PGR".
I have tried to use branching but when i click Embedded Data in the branch it gives me Embedded Data >a blank box>Is Equal to>a blank box and no way of selecting the embedded data fields or pulling it through to match it.
I typed Type and UG into the boxes but when testing the survey just ignores the questions when it should go to them. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Should I be using Piped text? Or should I just use question logic in the actual survey builder (which im doing just now but there are a lot of these that I need to add)?

Hi there, how are you setting your Embedded Data? If you are using a panel and including "StudentLevel" as an extra column in that panel, then the value that gets Embedded will be set based on the value that exists in that column for each respondent. Also, this value should be set as soon as the respondent enters the survey, so setting the Embedded Data element at the top of the Survey Flow will let you use those values in Branching/Display logic throughout the survey. If you only wanted to show a block to those with an Embedded Data value of "UG", your Survey Flow might look something like the below:
You could also do this with on a question by question basis if you use Display Logic in the Survey Builder. I tend to lean towards that so that the Back button is not lost after the branch element.

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