How to add an URL at the end of the survey? | XM Community
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Hi everyone! I wonder how to add an URL at the end of the questionnaire. It should be a choice in edit the end of survey message, but I can only see 'default, custom, include response summary'. Why I can not see the choice of 'redirect to URL' ? Thank you so much for your help!
截屏2021-06-18 下午10.01.38.png

Hi ElfinChen ,
It seems that this option is now only available in the End of Survey object in the Survey Flow. See the attached screen shot.

Thanks for you answer! But it seems it is unavailable for my brand. Here I attached the screen shot. I don't know if this is because I'm the trial account. I'd like to upgrade my account but I don't know where can I pay? Would you mind give me some advice? Thanks!
截屏2021-06-21 下午12.24.23.png

That might very well be the case. Reach out to Qualtrics Sales for further assistance.

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