How to add block headers are the top of each page in block in Table of Contents? | XM Community
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I would like to add the block names as headers to all the questions in the the Table of Contents in my survey. I looked up a way to do it with embedded data, but that won't work with the Table of Contents. Is there another way to accomplish this? I basically want to make it obvious to participants, which block they are working on.

Hey aem449 ,
If it is providing information to which block they are in, a simple solution would be to add a "Text/Graphic" question type at the top of each page. You can then enter whatever descriptor you like, and use the rich content editor for that object to format the text to your branding standards.
You can also re-label that section to be "Block Header" or something else to ID that is isn't a question.
Section Header Example.PNGSection Header 1.PNG
Hope this helps!

ColbyA Thanks Colby! I show question numbers, and auto number the survey (it's a long survey). While I have a simple code to hide the question number for those header questions, I would have to manually update the question numbers before launching. I'm okay with doing that if that's the best route, but I was hopeful there was something out there (I don't know much about Javascript) that could help me out.

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