How to carry forward randomized order of a subset of multiple choice response options to next question | XM Community
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I would like to do the following with questions Q10 and Q11 (screenshot below):


Step 1. Randomize the order of the 1st 7 response options (the brands) while anchoring the last 2 response options (which are both “exclusive” response options). This Step can be done using advanced randomization. 


Step 2. Carry over the randomized order of the 1st 7 response options (the brands) in Q10 to Q11 (i.e., the randomized order of brands in Q11 must appear in the same randomized order as they appeared in Q10) while, at the same time, anchoring the last 2 response options (which both must still be “exclusive” response options). Step 2 cannot be done using “carry forward choices” because the “advanced randomization” from Q10 cannot be carried over to Q11. 


Question 1: How can I accomplish Step 2? What is the simplest way, JS or Survey Flow? If JS, what code would be required? (I’m novice at JS)


Question 2: Additionally, how can I record the order that response options were presented in Q10 and Q11 in the output of the dataset? (Ideally it would be a single variable and data would appear as, e.g., “1,4,5,2,3,7,6” for the 7 brands)




In this case we can use do carry forward display option in Q11of Q10.

We can get the randomised order of choice using this option.

Hi Ron, 

Thank you for the reply, Unfortunately, as it appears to me, Step 2 cannot be done using “carry forward choices” because the “advanced randomization” from Q10 cannot be carried over to Q11. 

Below, a screenshot of what happened when I use “carry forward”: 


Carry forward does not carry over the randomized order of the 1st 7 response options (the brands) in Q10 to Q11 (i.e., the randomized order of brands in Q11 must appear in the same randomized order as they appeared in Q10) while, at the same time, anchoring the last 2 response options (which both must still be “exclusive” response options for Q11).


Do you know if there is a way to use javascript and/or survey flow programming logic to accomplish this?


Thank you!


Qualtrics will automatically carry forward the randomized order from Q10 to Q11.  However, the issue is it will not carry forward the exclusive choices as exclusive. So, you can use carry forward, but in the 2nd question you’ll have to add two new exclusive choices and use JS to hide the two carry forward exclusive choices and move the two new exclusive choices to the bottom of the list.

If you are interested, this function moves the new choices to the bottom of the list.

Hi Tom!


Thanks for the response. Does this solution also allow me to address Question 2?

Question 2: Additionally, how can I record the order that response options were presented in Q10 and Q11 in the output of the dataset? (Ideally it would be a single variable and data would appear as, e.g., “1,4,5,2,3,7,6,8,9” for the 9 response options)


I would like to be able to (1) randomize options 1-7 (anchor 8,9) in q10, (2) use that same randomized order in q11, and (3) export the randomized order of response options 1-9.




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