How to carry forward specific selections as items in a rank-order question | XM Community
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Hi all,
I am working on a survey in which participants will be provided with definitions and asked to rate from 1-7 how accurate they are.
I then want to collect all items rated 4 or higher and use them as items in a rank-order question, so essentially they could rank the definitions which they earlier identified as being a 4 or higher on the scale.
Any help with this question would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you!

I'm assuming each definition will be a different single choice question. In that case, you'll need to set the choices of your rank order question as ALL of them. The use display logic on the individual choices to only show them when the selected value is greater than 4. Based on how you have set up your question, you may have to go the tedious route of if 1 is not selected and 2 is not selected etc.

Thank you! That worked! 🙂

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