How to change the logo on the survey based on the language the respondent chooses? | XM Community
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I am sending out a survey in 2 languages Eng and French. What I want is that when respondent selects French then the logo should also change to the French version. Is there an option in the look and feel section to add 2 images and have them change based on the language chosen? The same question is for the end of the survey where I have a Thank you image. Can that also change based on the language the respondent chooses?

I'm not aware of that functionality being available, usually companies have just one logo they use globally.
One option for you is instead of including a logo on the survey look & feel, use the Text/Graphic question type and include a different logo within it for each language translation. You would need to have this question appear at the top of every page the respondent goes through - or choose to display it just at the beginning.

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