How to collect a second round of data using email given as an answer in first round | XM Community
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I'm new to Qualrics and shall appreciate any insights on the following issue. I posted a survey on a website and collected a first round of data. The final question on the survey (Q20) asks respondents to leave an email address if they would like to answer a follow-up survey in three months.
How exactly do I now use the email address given in Q20 to send the respondents the round 2 survey such that round 1 and round 2 data for the same respondent can be linked? Note that the round 1 survey will not be identical to the round 2 survey.
Many thanks!

Roz ,
You should have captured the email to a contact list using an Action. That way you would have had a contact list to invite to survey 2.
Since you didn't do that, you can export your Q20 answers to a csv, then upload that csv as a contact list. You can then send survey 2 invites to the contact list.

TomG , Thanks! Will this secure the longitudinal element of the dataset? i.e., is there a unique ID that will be created matching the round 1 responder to the round 2 responder? If not, how do I ensure that?

When you download the csv with the email address also download the ResponseID. Then name the ResponseID column ExternalDataReference when you upload the csv to create the contact list. You can then match ExternalDataReference in Survey 2 to ResponseID in Survey 1.

@TomG. Thanks so much.

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