How to collect information about multiple employees in one survey | XM Community
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Hi everyone,
I am trying to develop a survey to collect information about employee revenue, to be used in a Dashboard. I am having trouble collecting information about multiple employees in one survey.
For example, say I have 5 employees and I want the reported fields to be 'employee', 'type', 'revenue generated' and 'anticipated revenue'. If I repeat the questions for each employee, I end up with 5 different employee fields in results, not one.
I know I could just take the survey 5 different times, or I could create a new 'super' field through bucketing with all the different employee fields, but I was wondering if there was an easier alternative.

Hi scollins,
Qualtrics organises separate responses row-by-row, with the data for each spanning across each column. There is no way to have one response across multiple rows / one set of columns without taking the survey more than once.
Practically speaking, Loop & Merge might still be the easiest approach for your problem. With a little bit of transformation (either manually or with some scripting), you could transform the "wide" results across many columns into a single "tall" set of columns.
Hope that helps!

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