How to control for straight line responses when there is randomnization? | XM Community

How to control for straight line responses when there is randomnization?

  • 23 August 2021
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

We have created a survey with a series of single choice question presented individually in the screen. Each question presents three choices in column. We have randomnize the alternatives of the question, but we would also like to control for those respondents always selecting the option in the left or only on the right (straighlining). Is there a way we can control for this? I know qualtrics saves later on the order in which the items were presented, is there a way to introduce them into the flow to exclude those participants who always choose the item in the right?
Thank you.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56

You can use the choice randomization feature to control for response bias -- that should be what you are looking for. I usually use it for vertical lists, not horizontal ones, but it should work--and if you are only using three options, even a vertical format should be ok: Choice Randomization (
I hope that helps!

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Thanks AdamK12.
Maybe my explanation was not clear enough. I am already using the choice randomization but I would like to also control for those respondents that just quickly click always in the same spot (or always right or always left), so I can exclude them inmediately from the study. Is there a way that I can a priori tell Qualtrics that when a respondent is always chossing the right or left or center option, to exclude them?

Userlevel 4
Badge +17

Qualtrics doesn't have anything that I know of which can do what you are asking. How I would do this is use IF statements to count how many times they are choosing either extreme and hold that number in Embedded data. Then you can use IF statements in Survey Flow at crucial times to check to see if they have reached your predefined threshold and screen them out or boot them. You could also set another piece of embedded data which you can use to purge them later. You would see the collect the data and check to see if it was working correctly.

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