How to count amount of questions filled in during a timed questionnaire | XM Community
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I have 45 mathematical problems in my block and set a timer for 90 seconds to see how much they can correctly fill in, I found how to generate the number of successful answers but not the amount of filled in questions. can anybody help me?

Hello!! I think that maybe you can set some logic in the survey flow and setting embedded data.
If Q12 is not empty QuestionsAnswer12=1 (You would have to apply this logic to all the questions using branches and embedded data on the survey flow)
After that you go to data &analysis and create a new variables that sums all of those embedded data or you cand run a math operation on your survey flow that sums all the embedded data that you created.

I believe you misunderstood, or wasn't clear enough,
I meant that I want to generate the amount of answered question to show my participant during the questionnaire, "So out of these 45 math problems, you were able to answer X amount and had Y amount correctly", after I show them that, I want to continue asking them some questions.
I found how to embed the number of correctly answered questions in the text but not the total answered.
Perhaps you could help me with this?

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