How to create a survey question in the form of matrix with multiple choice options? | XM Community
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I am trying to set up a question where respondents are supposed to choose two options from the options available in a 3*3 matrix.
I have attached here a sample question.
matrix.JPGIn this question, a respondent is supposed to select two answers from the given matrix.
I tried to use matrix table (Question type) but couldn't set up an option with multiple choice. If anyone has any idea about how to set up the matrix question with multiple-choice options, can you please comment on this question?
Thank you in advance for helping me with this.

I would try messing around with the CSS of a multiple choice question. you for your response. Unfortunately, I don’t have any experience with CSS. Is there any other way you might be aware of?

Try this:

  • Question Type: Multiple Choice

  • Number of Choices: 9

  • Format: List

  • Alignment: Column

  • Number of Columns: 3

You can then add in validation in response requires so they can only select two. You could also include choice randomization to mix it up a bit so numbers would not appear in the same location if you so desired.

Thank you for your response.
I used the same technique in both accounts of Qualtrics, one which is basic (free) and another from my university (UConn). The preview of the question looks different from both of the accounts. Do you have any idea why is it different in the UConn qualtrics account than that of the basic qualtrics account?
UConn.JPGFreeversionofQualtrics.JPGI am interested to have a preview same as the preview from the basic account of qualtrics.

Thank you so much!

They are different themes.

So, is it by default that when I set the question in UConn qualtrics, instead of 3*3 matrix, it will result in the checkbox before every option? Do you think I can change it in any way so that options look like the one in the basic version?

Doubtful. It all depends on what options are available to you as a user. It is available under the Look and Feel portion of the survey.

Got it! Thank you so much for your help. Really appreciate it.

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