How to? Create (and show) a custom link to the results of a self-assessment | XM Community
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We are creating a self-serve assessment for managers. The intent is to make it fully self serve, where we just have one generic link to the assessment on our intranet page, and users can take it when they want without us having to create custom links for each user.
If possible, we'd like the user to be able to come back and see their answers (or, share their answers with their team, boss, or others via a URL).
I'm thinking (if this is possible) to have the assessment exit page include a dynamically created URL that the user can copy/save. Clicking the URL could just show a copy of the survey with their responses showing (but no longer editable; if they want to redo the survey at a later date, they'd use the original link again).
The URL would have to be somewhat random, so folks can't just increment a counter in the URL and see someone else's results.
Is this possible? And if so, how should I approach this?

You can use qualtrics respondent id variable and then append it to the live link. Then use authenticator to verify when the respondent comes back.

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