How to display multiple questions on same page, with each question randomly chosen out of two? | XM Community
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I'm trying to create a survey which has the following structure: 10 questions total, with each question having two variations. I want all 10 of these questions displayed on the same page (required by experiment design) and each question to be one out of a pair. (Meaning the respondent would randomly see either version A or B of each question, and 10 questions in total).
I tried doing this with blocks but it splits up the questions into different pages which doesn't work for me. Is there any other way I could achieve this?
Update: Solution is to generate 10 random integers by using embedded data in survey flow, and then setting the display logic for each question such that only one of the variations can have a true value at any one time. Example: Generate a random integer between 1 and 2. For variation A of the question, set display logic to only display if random integer is 1. For variation B, set it to only display if random integer is 2. Only one of the two can be true, thus only one variation of the question would be randomly displayed. Generate more random values for the rest of the questions and repeat.

Hi lakshagarwal,
Try Advanced randomization on block level and create subsets of your questions there. I think it might help.

Update: this solution worked for me:
Generate 10 random integers by using embedded data in survey flow, and then set the display logic for each question such that only one of the variations can have a true value at any one time. Example: Generate a random integer between 1 and 2. For variation A of the question, set display logic to only display if random integer is 1. For variation B, set it to only display if random integer is 2. Only one of the two can be true, thus only one variation of the question would be randomly displayed. Generate more random values for the rest of the questions and repeat.

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