How to enable multiple participants to participate on a single survey? | XM Community
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I am working on a metrics survey that spans multiple areas within an organization. The survey has 7 blocks with 7 individuals responsible for each of the 7 blocks within every participating company.
How do I go about enabling this? Is there a way to use the save and continue option as well, so any new data does not erase what is already filled in?

So does each person complete a single block within the survey? If that's the case, if you're distributing the links through the Qualtrics mailer, the best option is probably to email the survey to the person who completes section 1, then instruction them to forward the link to the next person, and so on. The person who completes the last section would then submit.

Thanks Matthew. Yes, every block is completed by one person. When Person A completes block 1 and forwards the survey link to Person B for block 2, will Qualtrics save the portion filled out in block 1?

Yes, if you have save and continue enabled and use individual links it should work that way.

By individual links, do you mean distribute it via personalized links option? I will give that a shot. Thank you for the help.

I meant individual links sent by email through Qualtrics. But I think it would work the same way if you used personalized links too.

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