How to find out when participants completed each part of the survey | XM Community
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Our survey has four parts to it. It's one long survey that has to be completed over the span of a week. We want to ensure that participants complete each section on four different days and not on one or two days.
We were wondering if there was a way for them to enter the date that they are doing the survey. However, since they can lie we were wondering if there was to add a logic so that they have to enter the current date in order to move forward through the survey.
We are also open to any other suggestions you might have
Thank you in advance

Yes, you can do it.
Include a Date question after each block which would be the first question. Have your survey flow in this format.
image.pngInlcude the below code in your date field question, I have set min date to 1/1/22 and added 7 days to current date but you can change it to just show current date by changing it to "today" and remove 7 to show until today.
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").attr("placeholder","mm/dd/yyyy");
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").flatpickr({

dateFormat: "m/d/Y",
minDate: "01/01/2022",
maxDate:new Date().fp_incr(7)});

Include the below code within Look and feel - Header section in "source".

Lastly you can either customize the End Of the survey message as well. To show them why it ended the survey for them.Or you can navigate them to second branch of next block.
Hope it helps!

Hi Deepak thank you for this.

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