How to follow up on missing + incomplete responses for an anonymous survey via anonymous link? | XM Community
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Hi all,
Two questions re: following up with respondents for a completely anonymous survey via an anonymous link:
1) For incomplete responses, does Qualtrics have a way where admins can send a follow up email for those with incomplete responses?
I already know that this can be dealt with by respondents clicking on the universal survey link, but many of our respondents don't know this, and I would like to avoid sending an email out to the entire respondent list to communicate that information.
2) For respondents that have not filled out a survey yet, if I were to create a contact list within Qualtrics after-the-fact, for an already active survey...
Is there a way for Qualtrics to identify these people (while still keeping the information private, of course) so that I can send a follow-up email directly through the Qualtrics portal?

I've been searching for answers to these questions to no avail, so any help would be greatly appreciated -- thank you!

Hi bm88
Curious to know how this anonymous link is distributed to the users.

  • If it is sent through Qualtrics email (by pasting anonymous link in the email content); you can set up a reminder in your distribution tab and Qualtrics will automatically track the unfinished responses through Status variable and send the reminder on the defined day and date.

  • If you are distributing it outside of Qualtrics, anonymous link cannot track anything and there will be no identifier to send the email to the user.

Hi Chhavi_Ch,
Thanks so much for your help! That makes sense.
I sent the anonymous link outside of Qualtrics (via Outlook), so it's probably not possible to track.

Re: responses in progress, I have many (147) and some are pretty close to 100%. Would there be any way to follow up on these?

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