How to have question repeat without knowing the total amount | XM Community
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I am essentially using Qualtrics to extract statistics from research articles. There is no known maximum amount of statistics that will need to be extracted so what I need is for Qualtrics to generate a new question each time the previous question is answered (with an unknown ceiling).

For Example:
A research study that reports the percentage of people's favourite colour. I do not have any set amount of colours, so I need Qualtrics to automatically create a new question each time the previous one is answered:
First set of questions:
What is the colour?
What is the percent?
Next set of questions (automatically generated):
What is the colour?
What is the percent?
Final set of questions (automatically generated):
What is the colour?
What is the percent?

What is my best way to approach this?

Use loop and merge. Set display logic on the question to only display if the ED display is true.
Use JS to update display based on another question.

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