How to have survey respondent take the survey multiple times and keep a common ID for all responses? | XM Community
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Hello Qualtrics Community,
I have a survey that the respondents fill out multiple times during the span of a week, 3 sessions in a day. Currently, each time they fill out the survey, a new responseId is created in Qualtrics. And I have no way to connect their data from session 1 day 1 to session 2 day 1 or sessions in day 2 for example, and other sessions as well during the week.
I would like to have a single identifier for a single person, with their different sessions recorded separately, so that I can connect and analyse the data from different sessions together.
Can anyone please suggest a way to do this? Any help is highly appreciated!

Not possible.
You options are either to use an authenticator (read support pages) or to manually set a cookie based on their response id and use that to keep a track of the respondents.

Thanks Ahmed for the response.
I would also like to add that during session 1 of the day the respondents see only Block 1, and during session 2 of the day, they see only Block 2 of the survey. Is there no way that a respondent data is collected at different time points, still retaining the common identity of the respondent?

Thanks for the help!

As I mentioned earlier, this is technically not possible.
You'll have to use workaround, and therefore, the answer I've given earlier is the only generic answer I'm able to provide.
Your setup will depend upon various factors like what types of links are you using, what all identifiable information are you collecting, what is you survey setup etc.

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