How to include multiple drop-down lists as part of a matrix table, populated from a CSV? | XM Community
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Hi, very new to using Qualtrics and doing so for an assignment.
One of the questions I am structuring is asking respondents to pick three names from a long list (provided via CSV) and then in a subsequent Matrix Table carrying forward the answers, asking them to classify their relationship. So basically; pick 3 people (referring to drop down lists), then classifying the three answers in terms of "Friend", "Line Manager" etc.
The issue I'm having is I can't seem to find anything other than a DrillDown question type that allows me to upload a CSV to provide the dropdown list options. In the Matrix Table / Likert / DropDown List configuration the only option is to manually enter the scale points. Is there any way to populate scale points from an imported list? I have over 300 names...

EDIT: I have since learned I can paste from a spreadsheet when editing the scale points - it's not a perfect solution but it achieves what I want. If there is still a more elegant way to achieve it I am all ears!

Hi there, pasting in the values is the way to do it I think. If it is a new survey that has not collected data yet, you should also be able to make use of the "Edit Multiple" feature by clicking on it beneath the "Number of choices" when configuring the question. I like that interface a little more when pasting in values, though pasting directly over the answer options in the Survey Builder will work too.
If it helps, it is also possible to keep the "Edit Multiple" even after response collection by following the workaround mentioned in the below thread, though it would need to be put in place before the response collection actually happens:

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