How to know which randomized block was shown to each individual respondent? | XM Community
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I have a survey for which I have just collected data. In that survey, I had 3 randomized parts in which I linked to other smaller surveys in the library (I used Randomizer and each element in that Randomizer was a separate survey in the Library). In each of those separate surveys, there’s a question with two randomized parts. When downloading the data for the whole big survey, I could see that there are columns for the randomized parts in the smaller surveys, but there are no values in those columns at all! I have tried “Export viewing order data for randomized surveys” but it only showed the randomized parts in the big survey, not the randomized parts in the small surveys that were linked to the big survey. I would really appreciate your help because this data is very important to me! 

I did the same thing. Then cried for a few days. Turns out its not possible. :-(
It's just ridiculous that such an important thing is not documented.

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