How to make the 'back' button and the 'exit' button exist at the same time? | XM Community
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Hello everyone, I found a very awkward situation in my survey design. In my survey, I need to simulate an online shopping scenario, in this case, my survey should include both the 'back' button which allows participants to go back and revise their carts and the 'exit' button allowing them to exit the shopping trip whenever they want.
However, adding the 'exit' button requires splitting each question into an independent block. The Qualtrics system only allows adding the 'back' button within a simple block.
Does anyone know how to go back to the previous block if the block has other elements?
Many thanks!!😊

I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to do? BUT, I think you can use Branch Logic in Survey Flow with conditions to create what you want. When you say "exit" and "back" button, are you using the Next/Previous buttons or are you using an image that looks like a button?

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