How to pipe individual choices into matrix statements | XM Community
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Hello -
Thank you for your patience with what might be a silly question. I'm trying to take selected answers from one question and pipe them into the next in a matrix.
Q1: Which items do you want to rate (please choose 5):
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
(etc. down to Item 18).
Q2: Please rate those items on a Likert scale:
Selected Item 1 (with radio buttons for rating scale)
Selected Item 2 (with radio buttons for rating scale)
(etc. to include 5 selected items from the list created by Q1)

When I pipe text with selected choices, it lists all of the choices selected instead of individual choices. Is there a way to separate these?
It seems that Loop and Merge can be used for creating individual questions based on the answers from this kind of multiple choice question... can this be used for a Matrix type question?
Thanks again.

Perhaps looking at the support pages on carry forward choices would be helpful.

Thank you ahmedA!
This provided exactly the info I needed. Just wasn't sure what to look for - so your suggestion was perfect as I went through all of the possibilities that weren't working. :)

and how can l access these support pages???

yunaH - check here:

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