How to present multiple answers next to each other instead of beneath each other? | XM Community
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I have a multiple choice question type in my survey with 13 options to answer. Each answers is a software and the participants should answer which software they use.
The problem is that right not it looks like this:

  1. (first software)

  2. (second software)

  3. (third software)

  4. (fourth software)

  5. (fifth software)

  6. (sixth software)

  7. (seventh software)

  8. ....

I would like to present these software tools in two columns because this means less scrolling and in addition, because the options are short, two columns actually would look better here.
I couldn't find anything here in this forum that would fit my need. Any advice how I could do it? Or what I should look for?

Just change the alignment setting:
image.png Inessa, I've just found it in the qualtrics forum but I could not delete my questions. Thanks!

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