How to randomize to groups using rank order answers | XM Community
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Hi all,

I am doing an online study with 2 main groups (those who either answer 1 or 4) in a rank order question. However, there would be four videos that correspond to each of the four items in the rank order question. 

For example: Please rank these four brands from best to worst (1-4). Each option has a video that corresponds to it that I would like them to watch. However, I would like to randomize half of the participants to watch the video that corresponds to their top brand choice (1) and half of the participants to their last brand choice (4). 

How would I go about this? 



First a randomizer in your survey flow to evenly present between rank 1 and rank 4:

Then display logic on each of your questions :


@ShanU You have 4 brands to rank so make a Randomizer block after the rank order block to random the value of an embedded data so it will randomly give you the value of the highest ranked brands or the lowest one (Use piped-text to change the QID to yours, this is just an example). “half of the participants to watch the video that corresponds to their top brand choice (1) and half of the participants to their last brand choice (4). ”

After that, make 4 branches with video from 1 to 4 and the block that’s holding the coresponding video

This is just the example, change the value to your actual Brands

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