How to randomly assign people to two out of four stimulus? | XM Community
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I am struggling to randomly assign each participant two of four stimulus in a survey followed by a question block consisting of three questions in regard to the stimulus. The question block should be the same after all four stimulus and I want the data for these three questions to be stored into the same "data point" independently of which stimulus people are assigned to. However, I also want to later be able to compare means between the groups (meaning the between stimulus).
In essence I want to present one (out of the four) random stimulus followed by the question block. Later I want to randomly present another question (which can not be the same as the first one) followed by the same question block again. Does anyone know how to do this?
All the best,

Pretty easy to do with blocks/groups, randomization and using embedded data to determine which block they have seen previously. You will have to repeat the block of questions, which could be useful you can then analyze the order if needed.
As I understand it:

  1. Show random one of four stimulus.

  2. Set an embedded data to store what stimulus they saw.

  3. Show first block of questions

  4. Set embedded data for responses for first stimulus shown

  5. Go to Step one, but check to see which 3 are left. Follow the rest of the steps until you have all four done.


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