How to randomly choose a question and its related informations from a pool of question and call? | XM Community
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I am new here and want to make a very complex survey. I have a pool of 1000 questions. Each question has several potential answers and related documents. in my survey, I want to choose one question randomly from this pool and show it to participants at the beginning of my survey. Then in the next step, I want to show the participant the related documents of that query which was chosen randomly and ask them to read it. Finally I want to show the participant the potential answers of that question. Now my question is how I can set up such loops in my qualtrics survey.

Assume, I have an excel file with 1000 rows, in each row, one column is the question, the column next to it is the link to the related document and the next columns are the potential answers.

Assuming the question type is same for all 1000 questions, one of the way is we can use loop and merge feature for this.

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