How to randomly insert groups of 3 videos in my survey? | XM Community
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To bring you into context, I am working on an experiment with videos of paired actors conducting different social interactions (for example, shaking hands). There are three types of videos that are 2 seconds long: 1 where only the actor on the left is shown (actor on the right masked), another where the actor on the right is shown (actor on left masked), and finally, the corresponding video with both actors shown doing the social interaction together. There is a total of over 800 videos, with 11 different pairs of actors and each participant will watch 90 videos in total. After each video, there will be questions asked.
For my survey, I would like to have these videos randomly shown to participants. The difficult part is however, each 3 videos should remain within their own groups (single person videos corresponding to their paired videos). And each group should be randomly shown to the participants. I know that the loop and merge is possible in qualtrics, however this will only randomly show all of the 800 videos, but mix the sub-groups. What is the best way to set this up on qualtrics, so that I can randomly show 3 groups of videos to participants?

You can define groups in survey flow and then use randomizer to randomly show 30 groups.

Hi jexx_smith - jumping in here to provide a link to this support page about Grouping Elements in the Survey Flow. If you have any follow up questions, please be sure to reach out to our Support team, as they are best equipped to help!

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