How to repeat question label in matrix? | XM Community
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I am interested in having the question label appear every time the headers appear (every 8 questions or so). That way, especially for mobile users, the respondents will be able to reference the question with each answer choice in a long matrix.

You can use this.

Thanks for this Ahmed, however I am looking to repeat the question label within the matrix, rather than headers.
my matrix table has 51 statements all relating to the question label, and so I want to have the question label repeated within the matrix table so respondents can reference the question with each statement choice in the matrix.

What is a question label?

The question - for example 'how would you describe your walking pace?'
It is the question that I would like to be repeated within the matrix table, not just at the beginning of the matrix table, which is the standard format.

Okay. You've got a couple of options here. The simplest would be to split the matrix table into several parts, each having the same question.
Alternatively, you can make the question sticky on the page. Look through some of the answers on the community related to it, I answered one, I think last week or so.

Thanks very much for your help!

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