How to require an answer for exactly TWO columns in a side-by-side question? | XM Community
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I'm trying to figure out how to require participants to answer exactly two out of three questions. It doesn't matter which two questions they answer, but they must answer two. Currently, my three questions are organized in a side-by-side question with one statement and three columns. Each column has a unique drop-down list (as each question has many answers).
Screen Shot 2022-05-03 at 4.07.08 PM.pngIs there custom validation I can use to require participants to select an answer for two of the three dropdowns (regardless of which two)?
I am open to trying different methods for this, including creating three separate questions in one block, but I can't seem to find a way to require answers to exactly two questions when there are three questions to choose from.

You can use Custom Validation for this. The catch is that the interface in Qualtrics makes no sense because it shows the exact same label for all three columns ("Statement 1 (Recode)" in my example below.) However, you can tell them apart by their relative position in the list. You'll have 3 groups of conditions:
If Col 1 recode GT 0 and Col 2 recode GT 0 and Col 3 recode = 0
If Col 1 recode GT 0 and Col 2 = 0 and Col 3 recode GT 0
If Col 1 = 0 and Col 2 recode GT 0 and Col 3 recode GT 0

MatthewM That logic makes sense to me. I’m running into an issue, though. All of my choices are text, and even when I hit “Recode” to assign each one a number, the only option I’m getting under Custom Validation is Statement1 “isselected” - I don’t see the greater than or equal to options. Maybe I’m not recoding correctly?

Edit: I figured it out - it was a little confusing at first because I have so many options in each of my drop-downs, but your logic still applies! Thanks so much!!

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