How to set up the multiple answer question in z-order layout | XM Community
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I have set-up a MC question in my survey and align the answer list into 2 column, like below
Option 1 Option 4
Option 2 Option 5
Option 3
But I would like to make the answer list shows like this
Option 1 Option 2
Option 3 Option 4
Option 5
Is this possible to do that? Thanks.

Yes, you can do this via the Randomization - Advanced Randomization menu. You don't only have to set items to be randomized there, you can also change their order. So you would use the menu there to move Option 5 to the third position rather than the 5th one, so that it is forced to the bottom left of the 2-column layout.

One of the options in this JS function changes the choice flow from columns to rows.

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