How to transfer ownership of Qualtrics Advanced Reports | XM Community
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I have a qualtrics main account and initially I had other users who were working on the same survey as collaborators which was hosted on my account. They created some advanced reports and share public URLs of those reports with some clients. Now they are not working on this survey anymore and as a result I revoked their access from the survey but the URLS which they created show internal system 500 error and links are not working as they were the owners of those reports. Is there any way I can transfer the ownership of all those reports to myself? I know a way where I regenerate the public URLs again from my account and send to clients again but its a manual work with near around 1000 reports, if there is any automated way of transfer of ownership of advanced reports in my own survey.. that would be great!

Plesse help.


Hi shubhams - it looks like you were able to contact our Support team about this question, and they let you know this it is not possible to transfer reports; only surveys can be transferred. This cannot be done automatically; a Brand Admin must manually transfer these by going to the Admin tab > Users > Transfer surveys. 

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