How to update matrix question answers based on a subsequent question? | XM Community
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Hi All,
I've got a page with two questions: the first (Q1) is a matrix table with a series of statements and yes/no scale points. The second question (Q2) has three fields where respondents can suggest additional statements. After this page, respondents complete a loop&merge block that pulls in all statements where the Q1 answer is "yes." If additional statements are suggested in Q2, I would like to add them to Q1 as additional statements with the answer "yes" when the page is submitted so that the loop&merge block pulls the Q2 items in as well.
So far, I see that if I create three statements at the bottom of Q1 with piped text for the answers in Q2, the loop and merge will pick them up. I know how to hide these rows, and I will set the default answer to "no." What I do not know is: how do I update the answer in Q1 for relevant items from "no" to "yes" if respondents enter a suggestion in the Q2 field? (Also, will this work since these are two separate questions?)
Thank you in advance for your help. I'd also obviously be happy to receive suggestions for other workarounds if this path I'm going down isn't feasible and/or efficient.

I think the easiest solution would be to switch the matrix to a multi-select multiple choice with three 'Suggestion' choices with allow text. Then base the loop & merge on the 'Selected Choices - Entered Text' in the multiple choice.

Hi TomG,
Thanks for the suggestion! I agree that is a good and simple choice, but I'm wary of making that change because I can't ensure my respondents read every item the way I can when they have to choose "yes" or "no" for each one. Furthermore, the multi-select multiple choice questions in my organization's required style template don't even show boxes to click, so I worry this format would be confusing to readers. Can you think of any other (likely more complicated) solutions?

I think the second easiest solution is to add 'Allow Text' to you matrix 'Suggestion' rows instead of hiding them. Then base the loop off the 'Selected Answers - Yes' in the matrix. Then create a field 2 in your loop and merge that has the piped values of the statement text for the non-suggestion rows and the entered text for the suggestion rows.

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