how to use identifiers with repeated questions? | XM Community
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I have created a survey where seven questions follow an image. I repeat this for 48 images. I copied the set of questions to the library, imported them for each block, and manually added the picture. Now that I am looking at the data, it is impossible to identify the answer to the question related to which image since I imposed randomisation. I thought of giving each question a unique ID related to the picture, but that seems tedious. I looked at loop & merge, but that seems different from what I am doing.

Is there a way where I can identify which image these questions are related to?
Screen Shot 2022-03-22 at 18.37.54.png

So are you saying that the Q numbers in the first row of your data are not unique? If so, I think your best option is to assign a unique ID to each question. As tedious as it sounds, it's the best way to distinguish the data fields after the fact.
Adding the questions to Loop & Merge won't help you with data you've already collected.

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