Hyperlinks not working | XM Community
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I see this is a question asked frequently. I've checked the html and it looks right to me (not an expert by any means). E.g.,
http://www.bgch.com" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Boys & Girls Club of Hawai‘i
I have a list of organizations, each with a hyperlink to their respective sites. Sometimes a hyperlink will work in the editing screen, sometimes not (it's not consistent). The links never work in preview or in the published survey.
Any clues on how to fix?

Hi there, are you using a free account? To include Hyperlinks in your survey, you need to have the "Allow All HTML Markup" permission enabled for your account, which is not available for free accounts. Other free account limitations can be found below:

Thank you Tom.
So, I guess there's no way to tell if this platform will work for me without paying first. What a shame.
Oh well.
Appreciate your help.

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