I Cannot find 'copy project' on one of my surveys | XM Community
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I have a Survey currently ongoing. I'll like to copy this survey for another purpose but I don't see the option to 'copy project in this survey. I see the options on other projects but not this one. Can anyone help?
Screenshot 2022-07-04 092842.png

Ask the owner of the of the survey to give you 'Copy' rights.

Thanks Tom, I created the project so I am the owner.

Is your account part of an organizational license? If so, contact your brand admin and ask them to check if the Copy Surveys permission in enabled for your account.
If you have an individual license, reach out to Qualtrics Support.

Yes it is, I also have access as the brand admin and I have checked after I saw Tom's initial comment.

Bose Hm, this sounds like it may not be intended functionality. If you haven't already, I'd recommend reaching out to our Support team, as they are best equipped to handle an issue like this 😁

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