If I update answer choices for a Multiple Choice question, do all past/historical responses update? | XM Community
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Let's say I have the following question:
What's your favorite fruit?
a. Apple
b. Banana
c. Cherry

I share the survey and get responses. But I update the 'Cherry' answer choice to the following:
What's your favorite fruit?
a. Apple
b. Banana
c. Melon

Do all previous responses of 'Cherry' stay? Or do they get updated to Melon? Does it matter if I edit and update that Cherry choice? Should I instead delete that option and instead create a new option that says 'Melon'?

The "Cherry" responses you've already collected would be changed to "Melon" in this scenario. If you want to preserve the integrity of the data you've already collected, I would suggest adding Melon as a fourth choice.
If you do not want Cherry to appear as an option going forward, you can use Display Logic on that choice and use a condition that will never be met, so it never displays. Deleting Cherry would cause those answers to be lost in your data.

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