Importing missing data - can this be done with a subset of responses? | XM Community
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I've recently closed a survey where almost half of the respondents did not manually provide their Country from a drop-down box.
I've looked up their countries on a response-by-response basis and have a CSV file that maps ResponseID to the relevant respondent's Country.
I now want to import the missing data back into Qualtrics, but I'm concerned about data integrity. Can I use the Import Data feature and map the ResponseID and Country fields so that only the ones without the Country information are affected, or will I need to run a full export of all the survey data, add the country information into that CSV, and then import it all?

I hope someone else has a better answer, but the only way I have found to do this is editing responses individually.
There is a decent explanation here:
One thing to pay particular attention to is that if you try to upload the responses back into the survey it will create duplicate responses with new response ID', so as far as I know neither option you explained will get you what you want.
I would love the ability to be able to edit responses by importing data. Maybe you should submit that as a product idea. I would vote for it. with the above. Only thing I would add is that, if you can select the respondents that are in the same country, you could possibly save some time by following the Edit Multiple Responses instructions in that same link.

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