Include Participation Rate Against Fixed Team Member Count in Report | XM Community
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Hi All
I am rather green in this area and was wondering if I could get some pointers on my reporting in Qualtrics XM. I am trying to design a simple employee satisfaction survey which includes multiple choice questions wherein you can select your department or team. Now, i wanted to display the percentage of respondents for each team against a fixed numeric value (total members in the team) but am unable to find any suggestion that fits this requirement. I would really appreciate some ideas on how to go about this.
Looking forward to your ideas and suggestions

LAfreen This answer assumes that you're using CX and not EX for the employee survey.
What you could do is map an embedded data field into the survey flow that lists the total number in the department. Using branch logic, you can have an embedded data field that would equal the total number in the department.
For example: IF dept=HR THEN the embedded data TotalCount=5 or IF dept=sales THEN embedded data TotalCount=10.
You could then use custom metric in the dashboard to calculate the percentage responded using the formula count/max(TotalCount). On the dashboard, when you filter by deptartment or disagregate by department the percentage responding for each department will display.

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