Incomplete Responses | XM Community
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I have a question about incomplete responses and I hope someone can help me.
If I set the time frame to 1 week (so responses will be considered incomplete after 1 week) and a respondent starts the survey on day 2 but goes back to it on day 10, can they still take the survey / will they be assigned a new respondent ID and have to start from the beginning? Or will they be unable to complete it because their incomplete response was already moved to "Recorded Responses"?
Thanks in advance!

They will most likely get a message that the link has expired. If you want to give them more flexibility, have incomplete responses close after a longer period of time.

Thank you!

That depends on how you're distributing the survey. If you're using a method that only allows one response per person, then the respondent will not be able to start a new response after the previous one has been recorded. If you're using a method that allows multiple responses, then the respondent will be able to submit an entirely new response and both responses will remain in your dataset. If you want to give the person a chance to edit/complete their original partial response, you can send them a retake link and either replace or retain the original response.

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