Hi I’ve come across a survey in our org that has an Incomplete survey response record time from of 1 year, we want to change this to 1 month. We have so many workflows, 233 to be exact - I didn’t make that many, they were “gifted” by a previous admin who made the survey.
I know that any surveys with personal links that have already been sent out will maintain that 1yr record mark for incompletes and that if I change it now to 1 month it will only affect new links going out and they will fall under that 1 month record parameter.
I pulled the data and we have roughly 550 incompletes. I want to record everything now so that going forward we will have everything set up to record after 1 month. I do realize that we may loose a few respondents who are actively taking the survey or just had the survey link send out within the last day. If I make the change now we will still continue to get notifications from the workflows over the next year as the batch of 550 continues to be recorded once they’ve hit their year mark.
My thoughts on record now is that I disable the workflows, close the survey for force capture all those “outstanding responses” that are just sitting out their waiting for their year mark. Once I see there are no more partial responses I will then activate the survey and reenable all the workflows.
Is there a cleaner way to do this? I certainly do not want to have all the workflows run as we are not doing anything, other than deleting, with any emails/tickets that are created for surveys that old. Any thoughts would be much appreciated!