Input as many answers as possible in given time | XM Community
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hope you all are doing well.
I am working on psychology research aimed at measuring effects of gamification on performance and motivation.
I have a question regarding creation of my experimental design. I am trying to measure performance using picture annotation exercise. Basically, for 1 minute a picture is displayed and participant should input as many one word answers as they can. Therefore they write a word, press enter, the word is saved, then they write another word, press enter, word. Every input string (word) gets recorder as well as time passed between different inputs. Is is possible to do so using qualtrics?
Thank you,

Yes, it is possible, but there will have to be an upper limit to how many words a person can enter because Qualtrics will only record predefined data fields.
One way to do it would be a loop & merge block with a timing question.

Thank you, I will try that.

If you use a loop & merge, you'll want to set an embedded data field just before the loop & merge block:
end = $e{ e://Field/Q_TotalDuration + 60 }
Add a Text/Graphic question on a page by itself at the end of the loop with JavaScript:
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {
var secsRemain = parseInt("${e://Field/end}") - parseInt("${e://Field/Q_TotalDuration}");
Add display logic to all questions in loop:
if secsRemain Greater than 0

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