Input from optional text entry not being recorded | XM Community
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I have a multiple choice checkbox list and one of the options is "other - please specify" with an optional text entry.
How do I record the responses from this text input? There is a column for it in the data table but nothing is being recorded there. Feel sure I'm missing something obvious but I can't tell what!
Could it be because I'm carrying forward this response to another question and it only gets recorded if that question is answered? The follow-up question is optional and not displayed by default - so if this is the case how would I record the input regardless?

Hi nzjill,
That is strange, I recently implemented a similar kind of question (optional multiple choice, text entry) to what you've described and it has worked fine for my survey.
The only things that might be different are that mine forces a response if it is selected, and it is part of a choice group:
image.pngMy gut says you should try to force a response - otherwise if a user types in there but the box is not ticked, it may not record it to the data. Just a gut feeliing though!
I hope that helps!

Thanks for your reply. I tried a different way of setting up those questions rather than carrying the response forward and voila! suddenly I found the field with all the responses in the data table. I think it must have been there all along and I somehow missed it.
On the plus side I now know a few different ways to achieve the same thing, so I'm calling that a win!

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