Is a good practice ask transactional NPS in retail shopping experience? | XM Community
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Hi, i want to know your opinion about if it is a good or bad practice asking NPS question in a transactional survey post shopping in retail stores? For me, is better to ask about CSAT and CES after transaction for two principal reasons: one is because first of all you should understand the base of the customer perception pyramid which is if the efectivness of the proces (CSAT) and then if it was easy or not (CES) and second it can help you to improve in retention of customers which is one of the business objectives… What is your opinion about this?

@sergio I don’t think that post shopping in retail stores touch point important enough to ask a NPS question, even transactional.

Thanks for comment Nam. So you are agree that touch pont has to be mesured whit CSAT and CES quesition right?

In most instances, I would agree that CSAT and CES are more valuable measures to understand a customer’s transactional experience. However, I think that tNPS can have some value as well because it could tell you how likley someone is to recommend that specific product that they bought in their visit to others. Maybe someone is satisfied with their experience and didn’t have to put in too much effort to accomplish their goal, but they wouldn’t recommend the product because they think a different product is better, etc. Therefore, I think there can still be some pros to collecting tNPS in certain instances.

Thanks @ash123 , i agree with you. NPS would be better asocieted with a product. And if i want to know the relationship health with the brand i should ask relational NPS every so often. Is not the best metric for every transaction!

Thanks for comment Nam. So you are agree that touch pont has to be mesured whit CSAT and CES quesition right?

@sergio Yeah, NPS although being a feeling metric, it is considered outcome behavior and just as important as resubscribe, making purchase..etc..
So it should be asked as outcome when they have enough time with your brand (e.g multiple purchase with high CSAT & CES will make high NPS).

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