Is it possible to customize the Response ID? | XM Community
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Hello, I'm reaching out for some expert advice.
I'm moving forms from another platform to Qualtrics. The client would like to retain the submission tracking convention. For example, the most recent submission in the old system is tagged as response O-0058. She would like the first submission from Qualtrics to be tagged O-0059, and the second submission O-0060, and so on.
I've been in touch with Qualtrics support, but was unable to resolve this question.
Put another way, is it possible to customize the Response ID? Or create a similar, custom field?
Any support would be appreciated.

Nope. Can't customize the response ID.
Either use Quotas or something like this.

Thanks for your reply. I'm not understanding. Do you mind going over the steps? How would I do this?

Look up Qualtrics quotas. That'll most probably solve your issues. If not, then see the details of the implementation in the link.

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