Is it possible to dynamically pull QIDs from a Reference Survey using JS? | XM Community
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I have a typing tool that has a large amount of JS coding. I need to be able to deploy that across all of my surveys going forward. I want to be able to do that by using the Reference Survey functionality in the Survey Flow.
I've found, however, that qualtrics randomly assigns the questions in the reference survey new QIDs. Is it possible to address this with JS code other than modifying the hard-coded QIDs?
For my specific application, I have my segment classification code on the unload of the last question. In the survey stored in the library QIDs range from QID2-QID17. When I pull it in as a reference survey I QIDs with 9-10 digits.

You should write your JS without hard coded QIDs. The only time you need a hardcoded QID in JS is if it is part of a pipe from a question on another page. Otherwise, the JS can be written so that hard coded QIDs aren't necessary.

That makes sense.
With the classification code on the last page, all of the questions I'm referencing are on other pages.

I always implement typing tools (aka segmentation) as a web service. It works well and makes it portable across surveys. You can even implement it so that it outputs json or xml so it can be used from a survey or an Excel worksheet.

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