Is it possible to embed data based on display logic? | XM Community
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I have an assessment in which I assigned scoring to. For instance, Poor comes up if points are from 1 - 3, I had used display logic to set the parameters for each category based on scoring.
However, I want this information aggregated with the End of Survey Message and I am not sure if I am able to use embedded data based on a question that is linked to display logic.

You may want to set this up as Survey Flow branching instead. In that case, you can set all your embedded data fields as you go through it, and then display them on the end of survey message.

Thanks for the recommendation! On the other hand, I want my users to be able to go back and forth through just the specific Survey Flow questions, as those are the ones that will have a link to their grades. Is that possible? Or will I have to enable the back button throughout my whole survey?

Ugh, unfortunately Qualtrics is yet to solve the mystery of the back button not appearing between branch blocks.

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