Is it possible to insert multiple piped text in a single statement, followed up 2 drop downs? | XM Community
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Hi, this is a rather complicated coding question and would really appreciated it if someone can help!
Are we able to insert multiple piped texts in a single statement, followed up 2 drop downs? 
For example:
In Q1, the respondents is asked to select which product(s) they purchased from each company option and for whom they have purchased for, using a matrix table like below
In Q2, we wish to pipe in the texts as follows: Company chosen], Product chosen], For whom] - dropdown 1, drop down 2; for example: Company A, Product A , For yourself - drop down choice 1] , drop down choice 2]
There are ~40 companies to be shown on the first column of the matrix table which makes the use of display logic infeasible with too many combinations. Are there any other solutions to achieve the abovementioned? Maybe Javascript? Thanks in advance if someone can help!

It seems like Loop and Merge may be a good fit for what you're trying to accomplish:
Loop & MergeYou could loop through a series of questions based on the responses selected in your matrix (or potentially incorporate the matrix portion into the looped questions).

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